
Showing posts with label first blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label first blog. Show all posts

Saturday, May 17, 2014

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The world of blogging


Ive always wanted to write a diary but felt too lazy to write.. Ive always wanted to share my experiences with people i meet but im not a good of a speaker! I've always wanted to write blogs.. but i couldn't find anything to blog about.
so here i am after almost 3 years of searching finally found something i can blog about.

it is very recently i got into photography.. ive always had an interest for photography but never got the chance to learn.. a couple of back my uncle(who is a photographer by hobby) took me to his farm where i first learnt how to handle a DSLR(Digital Single-Lens Reflex). i wanted to get into proper photography.. to do that i must have selected or chosen my line of photography. but i still havent. i have tried a few line but couldnt choose one in particular. i liked them all. the more i clicked the more i got to know about it. whatever you choose to capture, ultimately it comes down to one thing.. do I like it?
over the past few years i have learnt a lot not only about photography but also about many many other things. i will be blogging all about it in my future blogs.

so this is my first blog. wanted to keep it short and brief.

before i finish, i would like to tell you one thing..

life really is very short.. make every second count.

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