
Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts

Sunday, January 10, 2016

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The Walk of life

Its amazing how things work out.. I've been wanting to write this post from January of last year. Finally found the time and motivation to complete it.
its been more than 4 years since my sister got married and moved to USA.. and yet the memory of her living here seems to be so fresh. I mean no surprises there we lived under the same roof for 18 years. My brother-in-law is a great guy. Very driven. Very focused.
Me and my sister were very close.. sure we would argue.. but we were so close. I used to think as she grew older and started college she would spend less time with me and more time with  her peers. but fortunately that wasn't the case. She always took me out. She made plans with me she helped me out she was a great sister and she was a very reasonable person. She used to be patient with me and teach me and help me with my school stuff.. I was a slow learner she never lost her temper with me.
And as a second born, there are things you don't get to do. you don't get to create new rules. you only get to follow rules created by the first born. its the same in any household where i come from. let me give you an example.. my sister could stay out till say 10pm and for me to stay out till 10pm I had to be her age(which was unfair because all my friends could stay out till 10pm because they were all first born children). And whatever I get I used to get second hand. Like mobile phones or bicycles ad things like that. Hey I'm not complaining don't get me wrong these things taught me great values and value for money. Now I think twice before I buy anything for that matter. sometimes I miss her a lot.
anyway, like I said, its been more than 4 years since she moved to USA and she visited us I think 3 times.

This photo was taken the first time she visited us. I think it had been a little more than a year since she got married.
Oh and there's one more thing you have to know. My sister met my brother-in-law about 6 months before marriage. And in these 6 months they only used to communicate through Skype because he was in USA.
During the time of the marriage they were both a little shy, a bit reserved (naturally). The amount of progress they made in one year (not necessarily them in particular. I'm referring to all married couple) was tremendous. I took this photo during their first visit. There are 2 ways of looking at this photo.. Their holding hands and walking together tells us that they are comfortable with each other, they depend on each other,  and more basically they do love each other and they're happy with each other.
The other way of looking at this photo is like this. You see a lot of bright areas and dark areas in this frame. The white area represents the happy times or the times of joy. The darker area represents the tough times. And what is it they are doing? They are holding hands and walking through the happy and sad times together.. Supporting each other, always being there for each other. Life is not only about the happy times. Life is a healthy mixture of the happy and unhappy moments. That's the way it is. And its up to you who you want to share it with.

They are very happy with their lives and they very recently celebrated 1st birthday of their son (MY Nephew).

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