
Monday, January 18, 2016

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Getting into the World of Photography

"Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still."

 -Dorothea Lange
Ahh.. So true. Photography is not only about capturing what you see. Photography is about expressing your emotions, your thought process, your state of mind. Writers write books to express themselves, dancers dance their hearts out, a sketch artists brings their sketches to life with their beautiful drawings, sculptors, magicians, painters, chefs, everybody has "outlets", if I may, for their emotions. Similarly we photographers express ourselves through the photographs we take. That's the the main reason I got into photography. I'm kind of an introvert so I wanted a medium through which I could express myself.. painting, dancing takes years to practice and decades to master. Hence photography. 
It was not like I always wanted to do Photography. Frankly I had no idea that this went this deep. It was only 3 years back I first tried used an SLR. My uncle who was practising photography at the time took me to his farm house, gave me his camera taught me the basics like exposure control and aperture and ISO and just told me to take pictures of whatever I felt like. I went around his farm and clicked a few pictures mostly nature and he was quite impressed. It was then I realised that I had the basic skill set of becoming a photographer and ever since that day I've been leaning the art of photography.

Photography is a very vast field. Oh my God you have no idea how many categories or genre of photography there are. Each with a unique style and specific equipments. For starters, there is 

1. Fashion photography
2. Nature photography
3. Wildlife photography
4. Black and White photography 
5. Wedding photography
6. Travel Photography
7. Time Lapse photography and many many many more. Trust me there are so many more different kinds of photography. I would say there are at least another 30 kinds of photography. It's your choice what kind of photography you want to get into. No one can tell you what kind of a photographer you are. Oh no no. You have to find out for yourself. One can only guide you or give you some basic knowledge, tips on handling an SLR, some Dos and Donts. The  basic stuff. And that is what I intend to do with this blog. If you like to do photography and been wanting to, hopefully this MIGHT help you to get a perspective and a rough idea of what its like. 

Choosing an Instrument:

A pen is to a Calligraphic artist is as a DSLR is to a photographer. 
I started off with my uncles Nikon DSLR. I used it for almost a year before I bought my own. I would suggest you do the same. Just to be on a safer side. If you know what you're buying then chances of you regretting it will be virtually non existent. I'm sure at least one person you know has an SLR. Borrow it for a few days. It may be a Nikon or a Canon. 
People often ask me which is better Nikon or Canon. It's like asking which is better Pepsi or Coca-cola or Samsung or Apple or PS4 or XBOX one. It's more like a personal preference. The camera I have currently is a Nikon but I personally prefer a Canon. It's all comes down to personal preference. Like any other products, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Like for example a Nikon is simpler to use when compared to a Canon. On the contrary a Canon offers more features than a Nikon. I am of course talking about the entry level DSLRs (Digital Single-Lens Reflex cameras). Not even the semi professional ones. I am talking about the entry level cameras for people who are getting into photography. 
So like I said It all comes down to personal preferences. The best advice I can give is borrow a camera for a few days and see which one you prefer. A Canon or a Nikon. 

The Beginning of Photography: 

As I mentioned earlier, there are a lot of types of photography you can practice. If you ask me, the best way to begin photography is with bird photography. There is a very good reason behind this claim. As you begin using a DSLR (which isn't easy), there are things you have to do just before you take the picture. Like for instance adjust the exposure (shutter speed) which depends on the background. And controlling the ISO, and exposure component and depth of field. For the right photograph, you have to constantly keep on changing these parameters. How you know what parameters to vary how much to vary? By constantly using your DSLR. and I reckon starting off with bird photography will help you in a great way because birds are one of the most difficult to capture as they are constantly changing places.. Constantly flying off from one tree to another.. Which means the settings you adjusted to the previous frame is different from the current frame.. And most of the time you'll forget to change your settings. Doing bird photography requires a lot of patience, precision, and skill. At the same time you have to be quick with your equipment. Only when you get all these right, you get the PERFECT photograph and the amount of satisfaction you get when you capture the right one.. is unparalleled!

Buying The Right Lens:

DSLRs have interchangeable lenses. Meaning you can have multiple lens for a single body (body is what we refer to an SLR without the lens). Usually you'll get an 18-55mm (read as 18 to 55 mm) lens with your body. We call it a kit-lens. A kit-lens is the lens you get when you buy the camera.. The term "mm" refers to he focal length of the lens. It basically tells us the zoom capacity if the lens. Bigger the number higher is the zooming capacity.  As simple as that. Sometimes you'll get 2 kit-lens with your camera (depends on the promotional offers offered by the respective companies). The second kit-lens you get is usually a 55-200mm lens. If you ask me you at least have to have a 300mm lens to do bird photography. 200mm is kind of pushing it. So I suggest.. Buy a body with the 18-55mm kit-lens and invest in a 70-300mm lens. 

The Other Things:

"The other things" refer to the commodities that keep your camera and lens clean. You should NEVER touch the lens let alone clean it with your cleaning cloth. You get specialised equipments to do that.. Such as a lens pen (used to clean the lens), a blower (used to blow off dust from your camera and lens), a special cleaning cloth, and so on. These things are not at all expensive and it is highly recommended if you want to maintain your equipment. Other "other things" include tripods, filters, wireless utilities, GPS devices and so on (more on that later). 

So, conclusion.. You have you Camera, your lens, your goals and your vision. So what are you waiting for? The time is now. Photography is a beautiful thing. Once you begin you never stop. Grab your camera, put on your thinking hat and just go with it!

If i have left out on anything, please feel free to ask me anything. If you have any suggestions, please done hesitate to ask me.   

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Sunday, January 10, 2016

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The Walk of life

Its amazing how things work out.. I've been wanting to write this post from January of last year. Finally found the time and motivation to complete it.
its been more than 4 years since my sister got married and moved to USA.. and yet the memory of her living here seems to be so fresh. I mean no surprises there we lived under the same roof for 18 years. My brother-in-law is a great guy. Very driven. Very focused.
Me and my sister were very close.. sure we would argue.. but we were so close. I used to think as she grew older and started college she would spend less time with me and more time with  her peers. but fortunately that wasn't the case. She always took me out. She made plans with me she helped me out she was a great sister and she was a very reasonable person. She used to be patient with me and teach me and help me with my school stuff.. I was a slow learner she never lost her temper with me.
And as a second born, there are things you don't get to do. you don't get to create new rules. you only get to follow rules created by the first born. its the same in any household where i come from. let me give you an example.. my sister could stay out till say 10pm and for me to stay out till 10pm I had to be her age(which was unfair because all my friends could stay out till 10pm because they were all first born children). And whatever I get I used to get second hand. Like mobile phones or bicycles ad things like that. Hey I'm not complaining don't get me wrong these things taught me great values and value for money. Now I think twice before I buy anything for that matter. sometimes I miss her a lot.
anyway, like I said, its been more than 4 years since she moved to USA and she visited us I think 3 times.

This photo was taken the first time she visited us. I think it had been a little more than a year since she got married.
Oh and there's one more thing you have to know. My sister met my brother-in-law about 6 months before marriage. And in these 6 months they only used to communicate through Skype because he was in USA.
During the time of the marriage they were both a little shy, a bit reserved (naturally). The amount of progress they made in one year (not necessarily them in particular. I'm referring to all married couple) was tremendous. I took this photo during their first visit. There are 2 ways of looking at this photo.. Their holding hands and walking together tells us that they are comfortable with each other, they depend on each other,  and more basically they do love each other and they're happy with each other.
The other way of looking at this photo is like this. You see a lot of bright areas and dark areas in this frame. The white area represents the happy times or the times of joy. The darker area represents the tough times. And what is it they are doing? They are holding hands and walking through the happy and sad times together.. Supporting each other, always being there for each other. Life is not only about the happy times. Life is a healthy mixture of the happy and unhappy moments. That's the way it is. And its up to you who you want to share it with.

They are very happy with their lives and they very recently celebrated 1st birthday of their son (MY Nephew).

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Sunday, June 22, 2014

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50 kilometers south of Mysore, there lies a village.. amongst a huge jungle. well outskirts of a forest to be precise. its not completely isolated from the forest either. there are constant sightings of wild animals like elephants and leopards. not a place for the faint of heart! wonderful place really! if you have forest surrounding one side of the village there is a huge lake on the other side and a national park too! one of the least polluted places around Mysore. the common occupation in this village is mostly farming. 

This is a picture of one of the farmer's daughter. it was around 5 o'clock in the evening. she had just come back from the local school. this was an amazing sight really. I'm pretty she was either doing her homework or practicing what she was taught at school that day. she did this all by herself. no one told her to study. i was right there. Au contraire we city folks need need someone to poke us around to study ey? 
We wont know the true value of the things we get easily or things which are given to us. we take it for granted and tend to misuse them. this was exactly my case back when i was a kid. my mother always used to make me study. i wasn't so good at studies even from the beginning. To be honest i never really understood the education system in my country. most of the topics i studied is a complete waste which i'm pretty sure that i would never use them anywhere in my life.  
Almost all the teenagers don't know anything about taxes, or most of the things related to banking. this is a modern society and they should be teaching about survival in this modern society. do you have any idea how difficult it is for this child to get a descent education? consider this: she is in primary school. after primary comes high school. if there is high school in her village, its well and good. but if its not, she has to travel to a town. which will be a whole new world for her. naturally. and after that comes college. one can only imagine how difficult it will be for her to get basic education. But that's not the point of this photograph. no no no. this photograph speaks for itself. this is a natural photo. i did not tell her to pose. well, this is how it is here. have a good one!
please feel free to comment 
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Friday, June 20, 2014

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Greetings my friend

They say that you can maximize your work if you listen to your favorite in the background when doing work.. it really works! it really does.. lightens your mind. if you have not experienced this, then you probably haven't found YOUR type of music yet.. keep looking you'll get there. the feeling is amazing!

State Of Mind. responsible for most of our behavior.. and its all controlled by chemicals.. secreted in terms of milligrams! that's a few drops! can turn a raging person calm in just a few seconds.. and these chemicals are secreted believe it or not under our command.. sometimes music helps us change mood effectively..

this particular photograph was taken at the local market in my hometown.. this market is running from the time of the kings! mostly fruits and vegetables are sold in this market.. interesting place. very nice people. a lot of activities round the clock! total chaos all over. and among this sea of people screaming shouting trying to sell their produce, lies a man all by himself.. eyes closed.. fingers intertwined.. sitting. thinking.

This person sold flowers sitting in the corner of an alley. he didn't have a very good sale that day. i could tell because he had all the flowers right in front of him.. no sale=no money. no money is no survival.. so we are taught.  
and yet he does not look worried one bit. Its like he is at peace. how? why? i know people who earn a million times more than this person. and yet cannot afford a fragment of his state of mind.. why is that? we revolve around a society where money is the center. 
Humans are the only organism in the world who need money to survive. how crazy is that! our intelligence is our greatest gift and our greatest curse. 
i am all out of words to describe this picture. just remember that money isn't everything. no matter how much money you have, you cannot put a price on peace. all the money in the world cannot bring you peace. it is something you have to find yourself. money may have a value.. but a person without values is nothing. 

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Friday, June 6, 2014

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phone call to heaven.

greetings amigos!

so the past couple of weeks have not been good on me.. i had my finals and stuff.
This particular photograph that you will see was taken in Virajpet. for those of you who do not know where that is, its in karnataka, south india. beautiful place. beautiful weather. 

this was taken more or less a year back. back then i was very bad with captions. this caption was given by the person who taught me photography(my uncle). not that im good with titles now! just saying.
so there is this hill in Virajpet. inaccessible by the average  hatchbacks or sedans. only a 4x4 or a jeep would get you on top of that hill.. we can also reach the top by foot. there is a tradition the locals follow. no one is allowed to let his/her slippers touch the ground where the hill is situated. so you can either leave them back home or leave them in your car. you only have to go barefoot. i dont know the reason or history behind that.
its a thrilling ride to the top. and once you get to the top the view is truly amazing. 
there is a temple on top of that hill.. also amazing! its like an open temple.. bells hung all around put up by devotees. visitors/devotees/travelers carry a bell to the top of the temple and hang it there for the blessings form the god. each bell has its own story. there is a lot of hidden meanings and back story behind each and every bell.
some may wish for a better future. some may wish to do better in exam. some may wish for for money and what not.

we always ask for what we want. i dont know how it is in the rest of the world.. from what ive seen prayer for me from a very early age is "ವೊಳ್ಳೆ ಬುದ್ದಿ ಕೊಟ್ಟು ವಿದ್ಯಾ ಬುದ್ದಿ ಕೊಟ್ಟು ಕಾಪಾಡಪ್ಪ". meaning: give me knowledge. give me nous and protect me.
From as long as i could remember and from when i could start talking thats what i used to say.. until a couple of years back that is.. but then i realized something. We always ask for what we want. but do we ever thank god?
we should really learn to be happy with what we have.
so next time you pray, thank the gods for all the beautiful things in life.. and just remember EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. every problem has a solution. we just have to look closely.. and if you've been looking too close, widen your angle. you will get the answer. ITS ALL ABOUT REALIZATION

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Saturday, May 17, 2014

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The world of blogging


Ive always wanted to write a diary but felt too lazy to write.. Ive always wanted to share my experiences with people i meet but im not a good of a speaker! I've always wanted to write blogs.. but i couldn't find anything to blog about.
so here i am after almost 3 years of searching finally found something i can blog about.

it is very recently i got into photography.. ive always had an interest for photography but never got the chance to learn.. a couple of back my uncle(who is a photographer by hobby) took me to his farm where i first learnt how to handle a DSLR(Digital Single-Lens Reflex). i wanted to get into proper photography.. to do that i must have selected or chosen my line of photography. but i still havent. i have tried a few line but couldnt choose one in particular. i liked them all. the more i clicked the more i got to know about it. whatever you choose to capture, ultimately it comes down to one thing.. do I like it?
over the past few years i have learnt a lot not only about photography but also about many many other things. i will be blogging all about it in my future blogs.

so this is my first blog. wanted to keep it short and brief.

before i finish, i would like to tell you one thing..

life really is very short.. make every second count.

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